32-33 Hillsbrad

  • Minimum /played: 22 hours, 40 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 1 hours, 25 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 1 days, 21 hours, 20 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 2 hours, 50 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. In Southshore
    1. Run southeast to the stables at Darren Malvew, Costly Menace 30
    2. At Robert Aebischer,
    3. At the northwest-most house at Micha Yance, buy 1 Soothing Spices 160
    4. Outside the main hall at Marshal Redpath, Crushridge Bounty 30
    5. Inside the inn at Chef Jessen, Soothing Turtle Bisque
    6. At Innkeeper Anderson, Bind your Hearthstone to Southshore
    7. Inside the main hall at Magistrate Henry Maleb, Syndicate Assassins 26
  1. Run north of Southshore to the Yeti Cave
    1. Do A King's Tribute (Loot Alterac Granite for 5 Alterac Granite)
  1. If you need to sell run to Thanthaldis Snowgleam (39.5, 81.5)
  2. Just north are 4 hilltops
  3. On the west 2 hills do Costly Menace (Kill 8 Mountain Lion , 10 Hulking Mountain Lion )
  4. On the east 2 hills do Syndicate Assassins (Kill 12 Syndicate Footpad, 8 Syndicate Thief )
  5. On Sofera's Naze loot Syndicate Documents on the table Foreboding Plans 29 Encrypted Letter 29
  1. Grind east across the river to Bath'rah the Windwatcher (79.3, 7)
    1. The Windwatcher, skip follow up
    2. Follow up is Cyclonian (Grants Whirlwind Axe)
    3. Not recommended on fresh server or speedrun but groupable if you want
  1. Run northwest to Gallow's Corner in Ruins of Alterac (Discover Gallow's Corner)
    1. Do Crushridge Bounty (Kill Crushridge Ogre for 9 Dirty Knucklebone)
Level 33
  1. Grind nearby until Level 33 and 10 bars
  1. Hearth to Southshore
    1. Outside the main hall at Marshal Redpath, Crushridge Bounty
    2. Inside the main hall at Magistrate Henry Maleb, Syndicate Assassins Foreboding Plans
    3. At the northeast house at Loremaster Dibbs, Encrypted Letter Letter to Stormpike 29
    4. Run east to the stables to Darren Malvew, Costly Menace
    5. Use Teleport: Ironforge, continue at Ironforge below
    6. Run northwest to flightmaster Darla Harris
  1. Fly from Southshore to Ironforge, eta 03:15
    1. Run northeast to Hall of Explorers
      1. Left of entrance at Roetten Stonehammer, Reclaimers' Business in Desolace 30
      2. At Prospector Stormpike, Letter to Stormpike Further Mysteries 29
    2. Far south in Ironforge at Grand Mason Marblesten, A King's Tribute, wait, A King's Tribute 25
    3. Run north to the High Seat to King Magni Bronzebeard, A King's Tribute
    4. Deposit and restock goods at the bank and auction house
      1. Deposit: Decrypted Letter
      2. Deposit: Extra Cloth
      3. First Aid: Level First Aid to 225
    5. In the Ironforge Armory at Mangorn Flinthammer,
  1. Use Teleport: Moonglade
    1. Run southwest to flightmaster Sindrayl (48, 67)
    2. Fly from Moonglade to Astranaar, eta 05:02
    3. Continue at Astranaar below
  1. Fly from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor, eta 02:02
    1. Run to the northwest docks
  1. Take the boat from Menethil Harbor to Auberdine, a boat shows up every 04:55.
    Craft bandages or fish while you wait.
    1. Run just south to the flightmaster
    2. Fly from Auberdine to Rut'Theran Village, eta 01:20
      1. Run through the pink portal to Darnassus
      2. In The Temple of the Moon at Elissa Dumas, learn Teleport: Darnassus
      3. Run through the pink portal to Rut'Theran Village
      4. Fly from Rut'Theran Village to Astranaar, eta 04:07
  1. Fly from Auberdine to Astranaar, eta 02:48
  2. Run southeast of Astranaar to the cave named Talondeep Path (42, 72)
  3. Follow the cobblestones through cave to Stonetalon Mountains (Discover The Talondeep Path)
  1. In Stonetalon Mountains
  2. Run southwest to the crossroads (60, 71) (Discover Windshear Crag, Webwinder Path)
  3. Run northwest to the crossroads (43, 43) (Discover Mirkfallon Lake)
  4. Run southwest to Desolace (Discover The Charred Vale)
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Seth Cottle