40-42 Stranglethorn

Stranglethorn Vale
  • Minimum /played: 1 days, 12 hours, 15 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Minimum Segment Time: 6 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average /played: 3 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes, 0 seconds
  • Average Segment Time: 13 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
  1. In Booty Bay
    1. Run to the bank
      1. At Privateer Bloads, Akiris by the Bundle 38
      2. Withdraw: 1 Sample Elven Gem
      3. Withdraw: 10 Singing Blue Crystal (you will farm more later)
    2. At the bottom of the inn
      1. At Innkeeper Skindle, Bind your Hearthstone to Booty Bay
      2. At Whiskey Slim, Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog 40
    3. On the second floor of the inn
      1. At Catelyn the Blade, Ansirem's Key "Pretty Boy" Duncan 34
    4. On the balcony outside
      1. At Fleet Master Seahorn, Sunken Treasure
    5. Run to the bank
      1. Deposit: Seahorn's Sealed Letter
    6. In the first house northeast of the inn
      1. At "Sea Wolf" MacKinley, Scaring Shaky 30 Stoley's Debt 40
    7. Further north on the docks
      1. At First Mate Crazz, The Bloodsail Buccaneers 37
  1. Run north out of Booty Bay then turn left
    1. Do "Pretty Boy" Duncan (Kill "Pretty Boy" Duncan for Catelyn's Blade)
    2. Loot Bloodsail Correspondence on the barrel
      1. The Bloodsail Buccaneers The Bloodsail Buccaneers 37
  1. Run back to Booty Bay
    1. At First Mate Crazz, The Bloodsail Buccaneers The Bloodsail Buccaneers 37
    2. On the second floor of the inn
      1. At Catelyn the Blade, "Pretty Boy" Duncan The Curse of the Tides 34
    3. Atop the inn at Deeg, Up to Snuff 37
    4. On the balcony outside
      1. At Fleet Master Seahorn, The Bloodsail Buccaneers The Bloodsail Buccaneers 37
    5. On the upper level of Booty Bay by the waterfall
      1. At Dizzy One-Eye, Keep An Eye Out 37
  1. Run north out of Booty Bay to Mistvale Valley (32, 68) (Discover Mistvale Valley)
    1. Do Scaring Shaky (Kill Elder Mistvale Gorilla for 5 Mistvale Giblet)
    2. Kill Elder Mistvale Gorilla for 10 Gorilla Fang for later
    3. (more northwest if needed)
  1. Run northwest behind the Gurubashi Arena (Discover Gurubashi Arena)
    1. Do Raptor Mastery (Kill 10 Jungle Stalker )
  1. Grind far northeast to Bhag'Thera (50, 24)
    1. Do Panther Mastery (Kill Bhag'Thera)
  1. GROUP 2+
    1. Run north to the cave in Kurzen's Compound
      1. Grind all the way to the back of the cave
      2. Do Colonel Kurzen (Kill 6 Kurzen Elite, 4 Kurzen Subchief, Colonel Kurzen )
    2. Grind far northwest to the Rebel Camp
      1. At Lieutenant Doren, Colonel Kurzen
  1. Run southeast to Nesingwary's Expedition
    1. At Sir S. J. Erlgadin, Panther Mastery
    2. At Hemet Nesingwary, Raptor Mastery Raptor Mastery 35
    3. At Jaquilina Dramet,
  1. Run southwest near Bal'lal Ruins (29, 22)
    1. Do Excelsior (Kill Elder Saltwater Crocolisk for Elder Crocolisk Skin)
    2. There are 4 spawn locations along the coast
  1. GROUP 2+
    1. Swim west to Altar of the Tides (25, 23.5)
    2. Underwater kill murlocs one at a time around Altar of the Tides
    3. Loot Altar of the Tides
    4. Do The Curse of the Tides (Kill Gazban for Stone of the Tides)
  1. Hearth to Booty Bay
    1. On the balcony of the inn
      1. At Baron Revilgaz, The Curse of the Tides
      2. Equip Robe of Crystal Waters
    2. On the upper level of Booty Bay at Tan-Your-Hide Leatherworks
      1. At Drizzlik, Excelsior
    3. Northwest at the end of the dock
      1. At "Shaky" Phillipe, Scaring Shaky Return to MacKinley 39
    4. In the first house northeast of the inn
      1. At "Sea Wolf" MacKinley, Return to MacKinley Voodoo Dues 36
    5. Run to the bank
      1. Deposit: Gorilla Fang
      2. Deposit: Stranglethorn Pages
      3. Deposit: Extra Cloth
Level 41
  1. Run north out of Booty Bay then turn right (Discover Wild Shore)
  1. Grind south to the end of the coast
    1. Do The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      1. Kill 10 Bloodsail Swashbuckler
      2. At the ship, loot Bloodsail Orders
      3. On the box, loot Bloodsail Charts
    2. Do Up to Snuff (Kill Bloodsail for 15 Snuff)
    3. Do Keep An Eye Out (Kill Bloodsail for Dizzy's Eye) (Could be a long grind)
  1. Grind northeast to (40, 43)
    1. Do Venture Company Mining (Kill Venture Co. Strip Miner for 10 Singing Blue Crystal)
  1. Grind northeast to Ziata'jai Ruins and Balia'mah Ruins (Discover Ziata'jai Ruins, Balia'mah Ruins)
    1. Do Skullsplitter Tusks (Kill Skullsplitter for 18 Skullsplitter Tusk)
  1. Hearth to Booty Bay
    1. At Crank Fizzlebub, Venture Company Mining
      1. Equip Goblin Igniter
    2. Atop the inn
      1. At Deeg, Up to Snuff
      2. At Kebok, Skullsplitter Tusks
    3. Outside on the balcony
      1. At Fleet Master Seahorn, The Bloodsail Buccaneers The Bloodsail Buccaneers 37
    4. At the bank
      1. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 1
      2. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 4
      3. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 6
      4. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 8
      5. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 10
      6. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 11
      7. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 14
      8. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 16
      9. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 18
      10. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 20
      11. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 21
      12. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 24
      13. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 25
      14. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 26
      15. Withdraw: 1 Green Hills of Stranglethorn - Page 27
    5. You can purchase pages you are missing from Auctioneer O'reely
    6. You can trade for pages you are missing with other players
    7. On the upper level of Booty Bay by the waterfall at Dizzy One-Eye, Keep An Eye Out
  1. Run north out of Booty Bay then turn left
  2. Grind north along the coast to the Naga island
    1. Do Akiris by the Bundle (Kill Naga Explorer for 10 Akiris Reed)
  1. Grind north to the area northwest of Gurubashi Arena (29, 45)
    1. Do Raptor Mastery (Kill Tethis for Talon of Tethis)
  1. Grind nearby until Level 42 Jungle Stalkers
Level 42
  1. From this point on dungeon farming is also an extremely viable way to level.
  2. Consider supplementing your questing with dungeon farming when you can find a group!
  1. Run far north to Nesingwary's Expedition (Discover Mizjah Ruins, Grom'gol Base Camp)
    1. At Hemet Nesingwary, Raptor Mastery Big Game Hunter 36
    2. At Barnil Stonepot
      1. The Green Hills of Stranglethorn 30
      2. Chapter I 30 Chapter I
      3. Chapter II 30 Chapter II
      4. Chapter III 30 Chapter III
      5. Chapter IV 30 Chapter IV
      6. The Green Hills of Stranglethorn
    3. At Jaquilina Dramet,
  1. Run south all the way to King Bangalash (38, 36)
    1. Do Big Game Hunter (Kill King Bangalash for Head of Bangalash)
  1. Run north back to Nesingwary's Expedition
    1. At Hemet Nesingwary, Big Game Hunter
    2. Equip Master Hunter's Rifle
    3. Equip Master Hunter's Bow
    4. At Jaquilina Dramet,
  1. Hearth to Booty Bay
    1. Upstairs in the inn at Krazek, Dream Dust in the Swamp 31
    2. Run to the bank
      1. Withdraw: 1 Fuel Regulator Blueprints
      2. At Privateer Bloads, Akiris by the Bundle Akiris by the Bundle 38
  1. GROUP 2-3+
    1. Grind northeast along the coast to Ruins of Aboraz (Discover Ruins of Aboraz)
      1. Do Voodoo Dues (Kill Chucky "Ten Thumbs" for Huge Ring)
      2. Do some Zanzil's Secret (Kill Zanzil for 12 Zanzil's Mixture)
    2. Grind northwest to Ruins of Jubuwal (Discover Ruins of Jubuwal)
      1. Finish Voodoo Dues
        1. Kill Jon-Jon the Crow for Golden Spyglass
        2. Kill Maury "Club Foot" Wilkins for Clubbed Foot
      2. Finish Zanzil's Secret (Kill Zanzil for 12 Zanzil's Mixture)
  2. Otherwise
    1. Abandon Voodoo Dues
    2. Abandon Zanzil's Secret
  1. GROUP 2-3+
    1. Run north out of Booty Bay then turn right
    2. Run south along the coast to the island with the 2 pirate ships (30, 87)
    3. Grind carefully through the ships until you find Cortello's Riddle
      1. It could be in the basement of the westmost ship
      2. It could be somewhere on the center ship
      3. It could be on the first level of the eastmost ship
      4. Loot Cortello's Riddle for Cortello's Riddle
      5. Use Cortello's Riddle, Cortello's Riddle 38
      6. 0 Cortello's Riddle
    4. Do The Bloodsail Buccaneers
      1. On the westernmost ship, on the first level, kill Captain Keelhaul
      2. On the center ship, on the first level, kill Fleet Master Firallon
      3. Swim east to the easternmost ship, on the first level, kill Captain Stillwater
  2. Otherwise
    1. Abandon The Bloodsail Buccaneers
  1. GROUP 2-3+
  2. Run back to Booty Bay
    1. At first house northeast of the inn at "Sea Wolf" MacKinley, Voodoo Dues
    2. At Crank Fizzlebub, Zanzil's Secret
    3. On the balcony of the inn at Fleet Master Seahorn, The Bloodsail Buccaneers
  1. Use Teleport: Stormwind
  2. Fly from Booty Bay to Stormwind, eta 03:28
    1. Atop the Wizard's Sanctum in the Mage Quarter
    2. At High Sorcerer Andromath, Vital Supplies 40
  1. Fly from Stormwind to Darkshire, eta 01:50
    1. At Watchmaster Sorigal, Vital Supplies Supplies for Nethergarde 40
  1. Run east along the road to Deadwind Pass (Discover Dead Man's Crossing, Sleeping Gorge)
  1. Run east along the road to Swamp of Sorrows
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Seth Cottle